Девушки, у кого-нибудь было такое, что заказ отменяет Asos и требует на подтверждение копии документов. иначе, они не смогут отправлять заказ. А деньги с карты сняли уже.
Вот что написали:

We are sorry but we have been unable to process your order, so unfortunately it has been cancelled.
In order for you to make future purchases, please give us the following information:
If you hold a UK Driving Licence or UK Passport, and your billing address is in mainland UK, please reply to this email with ALL of these details:
1. Your Driving Licence number OR all the numbers/letters from the bottom line of the photo page of your Passport (Take a look at the attached image if you're not sure where to find this information)
2. The exact billing address of the card you used to make your purchase
3. Confirmation of your Date of Birth.
If you DO NOT hold a UK Driving Licence or UK Passport, and/or your billing address is outside of mainland UK, we require ALL the following information by fax or email*:
- A recent copy (dated within the last 6 months) of the bank/credit card statement for the card used to place your order
- A copy of your Driving Licence or passport.
Please either fax the additional information to +44 (0) 1442 835858, or scan the document, saving it as a jpeg or gif file, and send it to us by replying to this email.
Once security checks are completed the information supplied is destroyed.
As soon as this information has been received and checked we will clear your account for future use.
It's important to note that until we receive this information and clear your account we will not be able to process any orders you make with us.
If you have any questions, please let us know by replying to this email.
ASOS Customer Care
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