Возврат кэшбэк получается только с "русских" сайтов не более 3% и в неавтоматическом режиме.
Уважаемая Эбигаль из Mr. Rebates сообщает о массовом огранчении "Только для американцев":
Hello, Thank you for your response.
I had asked to see the specific item details: the price and any fees or discounts applied.
However, for now I just need to ask if this YOOX.com was mailed to you in Russia.
Per the posted restrictions for YOOX.com:
"Cash Back Rebates are only available for orders shipped to the U. S. or Canada."
Was your order is eligible for a rebate? What was the address of this purchase shipped to?
Customer Support
Mr. Rebates
Please note that Extrabux and Ebates have the same restriction:
"Cash back ONLY for orders shipped to U.S. and Canada addresses." and "Cash Back is not available on orders shipped outside the US or Canada."
Sometimes merchants with this restriction initially report the transaction. However, in those cases the merchant eventually zeroes out the purchases.
We have to abide by the merchant's rules about which orders are eligible for cash back. In this case, your transaction is not, so we cannot offer you a rebate.