Dear Chris!
I give to you reference to my web album in the internet where photos are on that the receipt of one part of parcel is imprinted that I nevertheless got RA124757296CN and photo from services of watching of parcels(independent and local mail.for confirmation of that fact that parcel with tracking got the number of RA124757251CN in other city by other man) it is reference to my web album
It was similarly desirable to show to you Print Screen my correspondence with a salesman that began from by me active correspondence already since I opened brands(to it he was quiet, pair of one times established connections, it is visible in my correspondence with him in the details of brand)
I want to turn Your attention on that a salesman confessed the guilt, confirming in one letter a that fact that only one package of вмест одвух was deported me, but overall cost for the undeported package he does not want(overall cost of package for that I paid but did not get 97,34 $) to compensate and begins with me to bargain, although I consider that it in this situation inappropriate
only on what I hope it then what will triumph justly, I do not need superfluous money I want to return back the money that I paid from the pocket(97,34$)
It would be desirable to specify for you what proofs I can give directly in a brand in the account of PayPal that parcel not оплучена by me and that salesman confessing this fact however wishes to pay her overall cost to me
thank you for understanding!