Девочки, я покупала на вс велюровую кофточку к штанам, размер XS кофточки оказался мал, я купила S, и, оказалось, что это тот же размер. Я написала письмо с фотками в см, мне ответила ,что существут станд процедура возврата и обмена и попросили выслать вещь за мой счёт ЮПС! Я гневно написала, что не моя вина в браке, они мне ответили:
Dear Tatyana,
Thank you for your e-mail regarding the jacket that you received. We regret any disappointment this matter may have caused.
We would be pleased to process a replacement package for you that would arrive in 14-21 business days or we can issue you a refund for the merchandise.
If you are requesting a replacement, please let us know if you would like us to send a size medium, since the size small is not fitting you correctly.
We ask that you please keep or dispose of the incorrect merchandise you received due to the inconvenience and cost of returning it. However, please understand that we are extending this offer in response to the circumstances you have experienced, and that our usual return procedures are explained on the Return/ Exchange form enclosed in each package.
If you need further assistance, please reply to this e-mail or call anytime.
Tatyana, please accept our sincerest apology. Victoria’s Secret believes customer service does not end after the sale. We look forward to the opportunity of serving you in the future.
Насколько я поняла, они мне вышлют обычной почтой размер М за свой счёт?