Подсолнух, вот что мне ответили в VS по поводу платы за доставку замен!

Как я поняла они написали , что отменили плату за доставку по моему письму?!!!

Dear Anna,
Thank you, so very much, for taking the time to contact us. I understand you have concerns about your shipping charges on your phone exchange. It is my privilege to respond to you personally.
I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
I have personally issued a credit of $18.25 to your Visa account for the standard delivery charges on order #486874019. Please allow 3 to 5 business days for processing and 1 to 2 billing cycles for the credit to appear on your monthly statement.
I have also set up up your backorder item from order #486874798 to not have standard delivery charges.
I love the Bombshell Sequins Swim top you order, it so beautiful.
I want you to know that we strive to touch our customers’ lives with quality products—from little luxuries to must-haves—along with memorable experiences and exceptional service. If there is anything else with which we can further assist you, please be sure to email or call us at any time.
Смотреть далееThank you, so very much, for taking the time to contact us. I understand you have concerns about your shipping charges on your phone exchange. It is my privilege to respond to you personally.
I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
I have personally issued a credit of $18.25 to your Visa account for the standard delivery charges on order #486874019. Please allow 3 to 5 business days for processing and 1 to 2 billing cycles for the credit to appear on your monthly statement.
I have also set up up your backorder item from order #486874798 to not have standard delivery charges.
I love the Bombshell Sequins Swim top you order, it so beautiful.
I want you to know that we strive to touch our customers’ lives with quality products—from little luxuries to must-haves—along with memorable experiences and exceptional service. If there is anything else with which we can further assist you, please be sure to email or call us at any time.
Как я поняла они написали , что отменили плату за доставку по моему письму?!!!