Dear Julia,
Unfortunately, the time it will take to ship your backordered item will be longer than we anticipated. The new date we expect your item to ship is listed below.
If you prefer not to wait, you may cancel your item by replying to this e-mail and include the following information.
1. Instructions to cancel this backordered item.
2. Your order number from this e-mail.
You may also call our toll-free automated system by dialing 1-800-411-1418.
Items paid by check/cash/gift card will be refunded immediately. Items paid by credit card are never charged until shipped, therefore no refund will be due.
In the event that we do not hear from you, we will proceed to ship your order by the expected ship date.
Order Number 470114869 ХХХ
Order Date 01/09/2012 ХХХ
Instructions for using the automated confirmation system:
To reconfirm your backorder priority:
1. Dial: 1-800-411-1418
2. When prompted: Enter your Customer Number, Then press "#"
3. When prompted: Enter your Zip Code 344111
4. When prompted: Press "1" to RE-CONFIRM, "2" to CANCEL or "0" to speak to an Associate
5. Listen for your confirmation
SH 278693 Side-tie Low-rise Bottom
DR4-purple paisley S
1 $20.00 02/07/2012
All charges are processed in U.S. currency.
Thank you for choosing Victoria's Secret.
Victoria's Secret Customer Care
Limited Brands Direct Fulfillment, Inc.
8655 East Broad St.
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068