Вчера написали в почту, что при оформлении обмена можно только на 5$ превысить стоимость вещей, которые идут на обмен. Т.е. обмениваешь на 100$, то обменные (новые) вещи можно заказать на 105$. Вот переписка:
I would like to exchange some items from 5 different orders for total cost $ 457.33
I have some questions concerning this
1. Is it possible to make only one new exchange order for total cost more than $ 457.33 to get free shipping and handling?
2. What maximum total cost of new order can be to have free shipping?
3. My English is not perfect, so I worry about procedure of phone exchange. Can I make an exchange via Internet?
Ответ от Вики:
Hello Olga,
Thank you, so much, for taking the time to contact us. You asked about an exchange order. It is my privilege to respond to you personally.
If you would like to exchange merchandise please fill out the exchange forms with the merchandise that is closest in price. You would receive free shipping and handling if the items are no more than $5.00 in price over what you are exchanging on the form.
You’ve chosen Victoria’s Secret, Olga. We consider that a privilege. So, if there is anything else with which we can further assist you, please be sure to email or call us at any time.