Девочки помогите мне,прислали мне заказ, заказывала вот эти трусики
http://www.victoriassecret.com/pink...secret-pink?ProductID=72120&CatalogueType=OLS первый цвет, голубые с цветочками, а прислали вот эти
написала им письмо, почему они выслали не те, письмо сочиняла в google переводчике, они мне ответили, что очень извиняются, но не могут знать как мне помочь!!Я им написала чтоб выслали мне тут модель которую заказывала.....МОЛЧАТ, помогите как им грамотно все это написать, может они меня не понимают там???
katarinka1987 добавил 06.10.2012 в 07:57
Dear Ekaterina,
Thank you for taking your time to contact us concerning the incorrect merchandise that you received. It's my pleasure to respond to you personally. I apologize for any disappointment this matter has caused.
When a customer puts their trust in us to fulfill their order request, we certainly want to enhance the occasion, not create an unpleasant situation.
Due to the incorrect item that you received, we are processing a replacement order which is expected to arrive to you within 3 to 10 business days. The confirmation for the replacement package is #502827273. Please note that tracking information may not be made available until the order is scanned at the local UPS hub or post office prior to delivery.
You may view the details of your order history and check the status of your orders by clicking on the link below, or 'copy and paste' the URL into your browser.
We ask that you please keep or dispose of the incorrect merchandise you received due to the inconvenience and cost of returning it. However, please understand that we are extending this offer in response to the circumstances you have experienced, and that our usual return procedures are explained on the Return/ Exchange form enclosed in each package.
Ekaterina, I want you to know that we strive to touch our customers’ lives with quality products—from little luxuries to must-haves—along with memorable experiences and exceptional service. If there is anything else with which we can further assist you, please be sure to email or call us at any time.
Order #502351726 and #502827273
Kind Regards
Девочки вот, что мне ответили, т.е они мне пришлют да трусики??