Девочки, у меня в заказе три топа из клиранса (два топа в основном заказе, один топ в беке), но скидку 20 % на них не применила, просто не видела этой скидки, написала им, чтобы применили.
Вот ответ, я ничего не поняла, они применят?
Thank you for your e-mail regarding a special offer adjustment for your backordered merchandise. We are happy to assist you with this matter.
We have noted that your Visa account be refunded for the special offer difference when the top has filled and shipped from backorder. Please note that this sale price adjustment will not appear on your e-mail order confirmation or the order summary enclosed with the merchandise. Once your merchandise ships from backorder, please allow 3 to 5 business days for processing and 1 to 2 billing cycles for the credit to appear on your monthly statement.
To view the details of your order history including the status of your backorders, please click on the link below or ‘copy and paste’ the URL into the address line of your browser.