Velory, я писала вчера, что Вика сняла с моей карты деньги за купальник, который я просила выслать им взамен потерявшейся декабрьской посылки. Так вот, что ответили они, я так поняла возвращать они мне их не собираются, но даже с переводчиком google я смутно поняла, почему так произошло(
I show we processed a replacement order for the merchandise you didn't receive. However, when we processed this replacement order, two pieces of swimwear were not currently available. They were on backorder with an expected shipment date of April 17, 2013,. I show that on April 12, 2013, we issued you a credit for these two items since we were unable to re-ship them. The reference number for this credit is #519411808. Due to this merchandise being ordered more than 90 days prior, the credit was issued to you in the form of a merchandise credit.
I show these two items were then available for shipment on April 17, 2013. We did ship them at that time. Since we had previously issued a credit, your Visa Account was then then billed again for these two items. This does appear in order #519813848.