Сейчас нет доставки в Россию прямой, а в Украину и Казахстан есть?
Исходя из этого -
We offer international delivery on selected items such as baby clothing, kids' clothing, selected toys & gifts, maternity clothing etc... please see individual product for further details. A variable delivery charge will be applied at the checkout, according to the country of destination and weight of your order (see our main International Delivery section under delivery information on every page of our website). Please note that we are unable to deliver to PO Boxes.
N.B. We are currently unable to deliver to Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Slovenia
The delivery charge will be applied according to the total weight of your delivery. The delivery charge will be displayed at the checkout on the order summary page.
Delivery made by airmail can take up to 30 days.
Import duties and taxes may have to be paid in some countries.
Before ordering please obtain details of these charges from Customs & Excise in the country to which the goods are being dispatched.
Services to the following countries are currently suspended: Afghanistan, Burundi, Congo Republic, French Polynesia, Georgia, Guinea-Bissau, Iraq, Liberia, Rwanda, Somalia, Tajikistan & Uzbekistan.
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