elekta79, ваш заказ наверняка в статусе - отменено. Если так, то собирайте заново корзину и оплачивайте через Эксплоер.
Мой заказ в статусе "требует оплату", завалила джим письмами, наконец то ответили - типа в целях безопостности бла-бла... скан докуметнов пришлите, перечислил- паспорт, водит.права и ID кредитки.
Паспорт у меня внутренний, с правами понятно, карта виртуальная( автоматом открыли, когда кредитку в палке крепила) и че им слать?
elekta79 добавил 06.03.2012 в 15:51
Вот письмо джима:
Dear Customer,
First of all, thank you for your purchase of “order no. 1293460643 through G-market.
As for your on-line purchase, we'd like to inform you that delivery is not available at the moment as we cannot confirm if it is your card.
We don't have any way to confirm it here as long as it's an undomesticated card, unfortunately.
we request customers to verify ID when they purchase over 100,000 won by the overseas payment method.
Thesedays, there has been some problem like the illegal usage of credit card or paypal .
Some people steal the other's credit card and use it.
We do this to prevent those kind of problem.
The name on credit card should be the same as the one on ID card.
Please give us the information as we listed below.
-Gmarket ID
-image of government issued photo identification
(i.e. Foreign registration card, Passport, driver license )
Please send to here :
[email protected]
This is jsut for providing safer transaction for both of us not only for us but you.
If you have any questions about this, please contact us again.
Thank you.
может я не так поняла