Девочки, здравствуйте, за одну вещь с карты сняли сумму дважды, что делать? Написала им, вот что ответили, помогите перевести:
Thanks for being in touch. We apologize for the confusion.
When you place an order, we issue a temporary authorization hold on your card for the amount of your purchase. This hold is placed to verify that your card has not been reported as lost or stolen, and that the card is valid. The hold will drop off of your card within 3 to 5 business days and your card won't be charged until your order ships.
Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.
Thanks for being in touch. We apologize for the confusion.
You have only been charged once for your order, the initial transaction is just an authorization hold. This hold is placed to verify that your card has not been reported as lost or stolen, and that the card is valid.
If you have any other additional questions or concerns, please contact
[email protected] We value you as a member and wish you much happy shopping with us in the future.
Best regards,
Насколько я поняла они не собираются возвращать одну сумму обратно... Но деньги они и за резервировали и сняли дважды(