We want you to know that the following item(s) were cancelled because they are no longer available in our inventory. You will not be charged for these cancelled item(s). If you purchased using a gift card or merchandise credit, you will be receiving a new gift card for the original amount paid via mail.
My hotim dat' znat' , chto sleduyushie pozicii byli otmeneny, t.k. ih bol'she ne vypuskayut (discontinued). S vas ne voz'mut den'gi za eti veshi (discontinued). Esli vy ispolzovali podarochnuyu karty (gift certificate) Vy pooluchite novuyu podarochnuyu kartu na etu summu po pochte.
We apologize for any inconvenience, and hope that you will shop with us again in the future. We do everything we can to ensure that your experience at and makes your life just a little easier, and welcome your feedback.
Prinosim svoi izvineniya i nadeemsya chto i v dal'nejshem Vy budete pokupat' tam veshi.
Esli est' voprosy- zvonite...