Охх, и у меня "попадос".
Вкратце: купила мужу в подарок эл. книгу в подарок мужу
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300376357638&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT 10 декабря, должно было придти Фидексом, писала 2 раза (насчет дайте треккинг номер, когда придет...), и вот такой ответ пришел
To the many of you who have been patient and understanding i appreaciate
your kindness. Despite the recent feedback i've received i would like everyone
to know i have no intention of taking what is not mine. I've been attempting
to refund all customers who have not received there item. I've been refudning
and receivng negative feedbacks about it. I cannot ship an item that i do
not have nor would i keep money that is not mine. Before this altercation
my feedback was 98.8, sure it had a few blemished but overall my feedback
was good enough for you to feel safe buying from me. I dont understand the
vilifcation, I'm adding funds from my bank account daily to paypal to ensure
that everyone receives there money back. I'm not a scammer, i've been scammed
and ill tel you i dont have the hear to harm anyone. I'm sure many of you
will go the course of filing paypal complaints and disputes untill my account
is closed. If such course happens it will only delay the time in refudning
your payment. I wish you all could just give me some time and see my effort
and trust i will do the right thing. You have my address, you have my contact
information, please contact me if any questions. I've been robbed but i'm
not going to rob you.
Зашла в фидбеги:
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Переводится коряво, я так и не поняла ничего: отправила или нет...