Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста. Муж заказал 11 лотов, сейчас от ибея пришли письма следующего содержания Hello olechka0906 (
[email protected]),
We're writing to let you know that we removed the listing for the following item that you won or bid on:
190459512201 - Men Polo Shirt Diesel¹ Jeans Tee Top White New L S/S 10
To help protect you, we removed this listing so we can confirm that the seller is not putting you or other eBay members at risk.
If you've already paid for this item through eBay, you can open a case in our Resolution Center to get your money back. All you need to do is click the link below, and select the "I haven't received it yet" option. This will guide you through the process to get a refund. (Unfortunately, because we removed the listing, you won't be able to look up the seller's contact information.)
If you won the item but haven't paid yet, don't pay for it.
If the seller offers you the item outside of eBay, we strongly encourage you to not accept the offer. These types of transactions are extremely risky and are not covered by eBay buyer protection programs.
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-- If you paid by Western Union or MoneyGram, contact the company directly (Western Union 800-325-6000 or MoneyGram 800-926-9400).
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We want to make sure you get your money back safely and quickly.
И отзывы я могу оставить только по 4 лотам. Я не совсем поняла, что произошло. Спасибо