Попыталась оплатить е-кард заказик,прислали письмо,объясните,в чём причина,плз?Кто-нить сталкивался с таким?Денег на карточке ровно столько,чтобы оплатить заказ.
Dear *,
We've just tried to process the payment for your ASOS.com Order: 2284546*
Unfortunately, we were prevented from completing payment and your card issuer advised us of the following reason:
Your card has been declined.
It may be worth trying again though. Click here to go back to the site and place a new order by reselecting the items you want. Remember to check the card details you enter are correct or use an alternative card if you have one.
If this does not work, please contact your bank for further help and if there is anything else we can do, just let us know.
ASOS Customer Care
*Please note, if your bank's reason was, "Your Security Code did not match our records", then they may have frozen the money for the order in your account. In this case we recommend talking to your bank before you place another order.