Our records show that you have already paid for your item and the sales order has been generated . However, the order has been flagged by our online verification system as it was unable to verify correctness of the billing address online.
This has occurred either because the billing address you have registered with Modnique.com does not match with the billing address on your credit card statement or you are an International customer and due to privacy laws your credit card company does not release information to third party callers such as Modnique.com.
Fraudulent purchases completed with stolen credit cards are often shipped to addresses that are not the credit card billing address. This system helps us protect you and Modnique.com from fraud.
At your earliest convenience, please provide the following:
Copy of the FRONT and BACK of your credit card (first and last four digits only)
Copy of the FRONT and BACK of your photo ID (acceptable forms of photo ID are passport, driver's license, or state ID)
Fax documents to: 1-310-893-6783 OR
Scan and email documents to:
[email protected]
In the subject of the email, type: Order # - ship to alt address
In the body of the email, provide the alternate shipping address you would like your package to be sent
Please note that a debit/credit card is required for verification of your billing address from your bank. We will not charge your card twice.
Once the information is received and verified, your order will be released for shipping; your account will be noted for future purchases. That means that you will not have to send this information again.
If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us again.
Fashionably Yours,
Customer Service Team