Dear Nataliya,
Thank you for your e-mail regarding the sale price on your merchandise. We are happy to assist you with your inquiry.
Our records indicate that this item was originally part of an order that qualified for our $30 off $150 offer. Your total with this special offer for the merchandise which is now on sale was $141.98.
We have issued a credit in the amount of $5 to your Visa account on April 30, 2010 for the difference between the total paid after your special offer and the current sale pricing. Please allow 3 to 5 business days for processing and 1 to 2 billing cycles for the credit to appear on your monthly statements.
You can check the status of your order or view your order history online by clicking on the link below.
If we can assist you further, please reply to this e-mail or call anytime.
Nataliya, we hope you enjoy your merchandise and we look forward to serving you in the future. Thank you again for shopping with Victoria's Secret.
Дорогая Налатья, спасибо за заказ.
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Если мы тебе понадобимся, не стесняйся, звони нам и пиши когда приспичит.
Вика ценит каждого покупателя и надеется иметь шанс обслужить тебя снова. Спасибо за письмеццо.!