Ivann@, видимо эта Кэтрин ленивая была... у меня тоже коды слетают когда прошу деньги снять после неудачной попытки - они видимо заказ обновляют и остается все по умолчанию, но мне всегда сразу все восстанавливали по первой просьбе в чате
хорошо вам...но у меня с такой же проблемой заказ не обновлялся, фришип был на этапе "order is completed" и в confirmation email также. Подозреваю, не только с одним моим заказом такое, просто я редко заказываю и сумму заказа помнила точную...а теперь на карточке денег вообще не осталось(((
Сьюзан ответила на мою просьбу вернуть деньги...
Thank you, so much, for taking the time to contact us. You’ve asked about the status of your recent order. It is my privilege to respond to you personally.
I see that there was no offer added for the free shipping on this order. If you would like to reply to this email, with the offer code I will be more than happy to credit you for the shipping, as long as the order is eligible.
I see that your order has been prepared for shipment and should arrive on or before September 19, 2013. I assure you that you will receive an e-mail confirmation with the shipment details once the package has shipped.
Please note that Standard shipment packages ship within 2 to 5 business days from processing. However, the order will still arrive by the delivery date given when placing the order.
You can also check the status of your order or view your order history online any time with the link below.
Maryna, I hope that you will look forward to receiving your order soon. If there is anything else with which we can further assist you, please be sure to e-mail or call us at any time.