Моя попытка №2 тоже вроде прошла успешно!!! Правда сегодня конечно не все было в наличии из моей корзины.
Rusyava добавил 26.12.2011 в 12:24
Прислали мне письмецо, это значит все ок?
Thank you for placing your order at childrensplace.com.
Please refer to the following details on shipping timing:
Order Number: 53048629
Order Placed: 12/26/2011 2:50AM EST
Payment Method: VISA
Shipping Method: Standard
Standard Service and Priority Mail
Once your order is placed, your package will arrive in approximately 7-10 business days.
Rusyava добавил 26.12.2011 в 12:24
Прислали мне письмецо, это значит все ок?
Thank you for placing your order at childrensplace.com.
Please refer to the following details on shipping timing:
Order Number: 53048629
Order Placed: 12/26/2011 2:50AM EST
Payment Method: VISA
Shipping Method: Standard
Standard Service and Priority Mail
Once your order is placed, your package will arrive in approximately 7-10 business days.
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