Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста, ко мне не пришла вещь-написала асос. Мне пришло 2 письма (с английским дружу):
я так понимаю, их ответ по второму письму судить- в смысле, ко мне дойдут деньги. я переживаю,поскольку сейчас новая карта виртуальная Visa Virtuon, а оплата заказа была сделана со старой карты, срок которой истек в прошлом месяце(в аккаунте по истечении срока ее данные удалила, вставила новые). Пока ничего не поступало, подожду как сказано 10 дней.
1. We're writing to let you know that the refund we are trying to process for you can only be issued via a cheque as there is not a valid card on your account that we can use. This may be because the payment method you used to place the order has since expired or is no longer available. If you wish to cancel the cheque and would like us to refund the amount to another card, please update your ASOS account with new card details - following the instructions below:
Please log into your account
- View and update your card details
- Select/Add the card you wish for us to refund the money to and set it as the default card on your account
Please proceed to make these changes within 5 days from receipt of this email. Should your account not be updated within the next 5 days, a cheque will be sent to your billing address.
We hope this helps but if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask - we'd be happy to help.
2. (прислали с интервалом в минуту)
Further to your correspondence with the Customer Care Team, we’re writing to let you know that your requested refund has now been processed and the money will show in your account within 10 working days.
а вот еще 3-е письмо пришло
3. At the same time, I have checked in our system and the...is out of stock, so we´re unable to replace it.
In this case, We need to process you a refund but the card added in your account is expired (the card is a Visa and expired on 08/12). So we kindly ask you to update your card details and once you have done this, please get back in touch with us and we´ll process the refund for your order...
Waiting for your confirmation.
Это, получается, они мою новую карту не видят? И как подтверждение делать?
Заранее спасибо.