Милые девушки, первый раз разместила заказ на данном сайте. Заказ разместила в воскресенье, деньги с карты списали и прислали подтверждение заказа на почту. А сейчас я получила вот такое письмо:
Unfortunately, we are unable to process your order at this time, and your
order has been placed on hold. The reason for this hold is that you
provided us with a United States billing address for an internationally
issued credit card. To avoid order cancellation, we require the correct
billing information for all orders placed. Please be advised your order will
be held for 3 days. If we do not receive the correct (international) billing
information from you within the 3 days, your order will be canceled. If
your order is canceled, we will void the authorization on your credit card
and you will not be charged. However, it may take up to 30-days for your
financial institution to release the funds back into your account.
At your earliest convenience, please respond to this email with your
updated information! We look forward to hearing from you in the near
future. If you feel more comfortable updating your information over the
phone, please give us a call. We can be reached at 1-888-676-2660 (Option 2).
You can also log into the "My Account" section of the website and update your
billing address from the site. Please be sure to enter the address in the
format below. After updating it, you can contact us by email to let us know
that it has been corrected.
* Enter your street address on Address Line 1.
* Enter your City, County or Providence, and Postal Code on Address Line 2.
* Enter your Country for the city.
* Enter AA for the state.
* Enter 99999 for the zip code.
I hope you find this information helpful. Please let me know if you have
any questions or concerns. Have a fantastic day!
Коллега на работе сказала, что биллинг адрес должен совпадать с шиппинг адресом и быть американским. Сразу данную ветку я не читала, вижу что тут умные люди пишут, что биллинг должен быть реальный.
Адрес я указывала, который предоставил Шопфанс, карта альфа-банк для покупок в интернете.
Подскажите пожалуйста, что делать в такой ситуации? как я поняла из письма, то в течение 3 дней если я изменю биллинг адрес на свой российский, то всё будет нормально или нет?
Заранее спасибо.