Я смотрю, участились жалобы на недопечатанные адреса - и в этой ветке пишут, и мне в личку тоже. Вот приблизительный шаблон (недопечатан номер квартиры):
Some time ago I made some changes to my shipping (billing) address to avoid misprints as my address on your last package had no apartment number for some reason, but you seem to be still using the old one. It is pure luck that I have received my last order. Please do update my shipping (billing) address in your database so it looks exactly like the one in my account.
Some time ago I made some changes to my shipping (billing) address to avoid misprints as my address on your last package had no apartment number for some reason, but you seem to be still using the old one. It is pure luck that I have received my last order. Please do update my shipping (billing) address in your database so it looks exactly like the one in my account.