Здравствуйте! помогите пожалуйста советом кто сталкивался с подобным! Заказала 2 куклы лол
Одним заказом!!! В стоимость входила доставка + цена за две куклы, сегодня сняли итоговую сумму, а через часов 12 сняли ещё деньги с карты равные сумме ещё одной доставке.
Подскажите пожалуйста что делать и куда писать?
Вот что ответили: Hello
I've reviewed your email and I'm really sorry to know that you are charged different amount for the same order. This usually doesn't happen and I apologize for the inconvenience caused due to this.
Do not worry, I'll certainly look in to this and help you to get this issue resolved for you.
I've checked with your order details along with the transaction details and see that the first charge you mentioned $52.54 was just an authorization for the order and not charge.
Here's what actually happened, When you place an order shipped and sold by Amazon.com or one of our merchant partners, we contact your bank for a purchase authorization to verify your credit card but don't actually charge you until the order ships. Some banks may hold funds in your account for these authorizations even if the order is canceled.
Further on checking your order was split in to two different shipment accordingly with the availability of the item.
I would like to inform you that at this stage you will be charged separately for each shipment, Now you are been charged for one of the shipment with shipment total of $26.26 and from $52.54 total authorization $26.26 was removed from and added back to your account.
I would like to inform you that we will not charge our customer until the order is shipped and also make sure that the customers are charged only the order total value which was mentioned while placing the order.
In case If you still find any charges for the orders. please send us the scan copy of the bank statement so that we'll check and help you.
You can send us the scan copy at:
[email protected]
Please be assure your money is always safe and you will not incur any loss on this.
One of the benefits we try very hard to offer our customers is convenience. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you.
We look forward to see you soon.
We'd appreciate your feedback. Please use the buttons below to vote about your experience today.
Best regards,
Anju j
Правильно ли я понимаю что деньги (52$) удержана банком?