привет всем у меня десять дней заказ обрабатывался а теперь пришло We have contacted the card issuer for verification of your card and they have not yet replied. Please provide us with the phone number for your card issuer. It is printed on the back of your card.
Please contact your card issuer and ask them to verify all billing information so that we may release your order. If the billing information is different than what you provided on the order, we will need the correct billing information.
Please respond promptly to avoid delay or cancellation of your order. We will hold your order until March 1, 2012.
куда мне писать-звонить и что просить делать операторов...карта втб
Please contact your card issuer and ask them to verify all billing information so that we may release your order. If the billing information is different than what you provided on the order, we will need the correct billing information.
Please respond promptly to avoid delay or cancellation of your order. We will hold your order until March 1, 2012.
куда мне писать-звонить и что просить делать операторов...карта втб