Девочки, помогите, пожалуйста, уже не знаю, у кого спросить.. Отправила в Хеллоуинскую распродажу заказ на имя мужа, а расплатилась своей картой. В итоге у меня блокируют не 13998 (сумма чека), а 13998,60. Следом приходит письмо:
Thank you very much for placing an order with us.
Our online shop places a great deal of importance on security in order to protect both our customers and ourselves.
For this reason we are obliged to perform random checks on orders. We need to take further security steps before the order can be processed.
We want to reserve a very small amount (less than ) from your credit card. This amount will be different than the amount reserved for the total value of your order.
We kindly ask your permission to do this security check.
You can contact your bank and inquire the exact amount we have reserved, this transaction should appear as a dress for less security check.
As soon as you know how much we reserved, please write us back and tell us which amount we have reserved.
We wish to emphasize that this is a once-off request and you will not be asked to send this information again for future orders.
Please note that a time restriction of 5 working days is placed on this request after which your order will automatically be cancelled.
We would appreciate it if you would allow us to execute this reservation as soon as possible so that we may process and dispatch your order or alternatively to cancel your order.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Я отвечаю, что у меня заблокировано лишних 60 копеек.
Hello. Total blocked 13998,60 rubles. Extra 0,60 rubles.
Мне опять:
Dear Sergei,
Thank you for your answer.
We still have not reserved the small amount.
We kindly ask your permission to do this security check to reserve this small amount.
Waiting for your answer
И так уже неделю. Я понять не могу, что от меня требуется? Я поняла так, что они просят ответить, сколько лишних денег сняли с моего счета? Или не так? Я замучалась уже...
Thank you very much for placing an order with us.
Our online shop places a great deal of importance on security in order to protect both our customers and ourselves.
For this reason we are obliged to perform random checks on orders. We need to take further security steps before the order can be processed.
We want to reserve a very small amount (less than ) from your credit card. This amount will be different than the amount reserved for the total value of your order.
We kindly ask your permission to do this security check.
You can contact your bank and inquire the exact amount we have reserved, this transaction should appear as a dress for less security check.
As soon as you know how much we reserved, please write us back and tell us which amount we have reserved.
We wish to emphasize that this is a once-off request and you will not be asked to send this information again for future orders.
Please note that a time restriction of 5 working days is placed on this request after which your order will automatically be cancelled.
We would appreciate it if you would allow us to execute this reservation as soon as possible so that we may process and dispatch your order or alternatively to cancel your order.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Я отвечаю, что у меня заблокировано лишних 60 копеек.
Hello. Total blocked 13998,60 rubles. Extra 0,60 rubles.
Мне опять:
Dear Sergei,
Thank you for your answer.
We still have not reserved the small amount.
We kindly ask your permission to do this security check to reserve this small amount.
Waiting for your answer
И так уже неделю. Я понять не могу, что от меня требуется? Я поняла так, что они просят ответить, сколько лишних денег сняли с моего счета? Или не так? Я замучалась уже...