При этом я через 2 недели позвонил в банк
Никогда не звоню в банк, только
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Образец письма:
ФИО карта виза 4276 ********1234
Добрый день! 14.01.2012 05:44:06
-172,01 USD
Фин.операция: Retail
-5 512,92 RUR
Заказ был отменен . Прошу восстановить расходный лимит.
Mitch: Hi, my name is Mitch. How may I help you?
Mitch: Are we connected?
Andrey : Hi.My order 605782300 still has the status of in process.What are the problems?
Mitch: We are having trouble processing the payment. Please contact your bank to see what is necessary for us to release the order, then contact us again.
Andrey : May have changed the amount of my order? $172.01
Mitch: Yes, $172.01 is what we attempted to bill the credit card.
Andrey : Please cancel this order. With the new order will do.
Mitch: Okay, order 605782300 has been cancelled.
Mitch: Is there anything else we can do for you today?
Andrey : Thank you. bye
Thank you for visiting Cabelas.com! Have a great evening!