Девочки кто знает, скажите что делать, я сделала заказ почти на 600 баксов, оплатила его и спустя сутки мне прислали письмо со следующим содержанием:
Thank you for your payment for orders 48444047. Please be advised, however, our payment system has indicated that the address that was provided, does not match with the billing address on file with your credit card issuer or bank. Your order has been flagged as suspect and put on hold. We understand that your billing address may match with your card issuer but as a fraud prevention measure we need to confirm the billing address provided, we require the following information to be faxed or scan/emailed to us before we can release this order.
For United States or Canada customers you can call bidz.com customer service to complete this process over the phone at : 800-444-8124, or logging on to our online customer support link.
For your protection we need 1) a faxed copy of the credit card used to make this payment front and back, along with 2) a copy of your current driver's license or other government-issued ID, such as a passport, front and back. To ensure safety, please block out all but the last four digits of the credit card number, as we only need this information for identity verification, not billing. The copy must have your name, credit card number, and billing address. Please include your invoice number and username.
Please send your verification information via fax or e-mail attachment to:
FAX: 310-760-5120 (DIAL +1-310-760-5120 if outside the US/Canada)
[email protected]
Please note that your order will be HELD FOR 72 HOURS (3 DAYS). If we do not hear back from you by 12/19/10, we will cancel your order for you. This procedure is to protect our customers from fraud.
Я так поняла им нужно послать в подтверждение копии моей карты и паспорта, потомучто биллинг и шиппинг (адрес посредника) адреса отличаются
Ещё фамилия на карточке отличается от фамилии в паспотре, т.к. я вышла замуж и в банке мне сказали что поменяют виртуальную только когда у неё закончится срок действия
что делать то? Может им копию загранпаспорта отправить (там старая фамилия и на английском языке) а то на русском ничего не поймут ещё
И вообще есть ли шанс что мой заказ не закроют?