_kisa_, скажите пожалуйста, из прочитанного мной на сайте не совсем поняла: если выбирать консолидацию за 10$ в месяц, и отправлять не несколько, а одну посылку, буду дополнительно к этим 10 платить еще и 8,5?
VIRTUAL MAILBOX - Unlimited size only $50 per year or $10 per month
Virtual mailbox allows you to save on postage. We will consolidate packages for larger shipments. For example: instead of mailing three packages we will put them all in a larger box and ship them as one package. The cost is $8.50 for each package sent and $8.50 for re-packaging (consolidation of all packages).
For example:
-If you send just one package we will mail it to you for a fee of $8.50.
-If you send 5 packages, we will consolidate them into one larger package for a fee of $17 ($8.50 per package mailed out + $8.50 for repackaging).
VIRTUAL MAILBOX - Unlimited size only $50 per year or $10 per month
Virtual mailbox allows you to save on postage. We will consolidate packages for larger shipments. For example: instead of mailing three packages we will put them all in a larger box and ship them as one package. The cost is $8.50 for each package sent and $8.50 for re-packaging (consolidation of all packages).
For example:
-If you send just one package we will mail it to you for a fee of $8.50.
-If you send 5 packages, we will consolidate them into one larger package for a fee of $17 ($8.50 per package mailed out + $8.50 for repackaging).