Девочки, я тоже получила гневное письмо! В первый раз .я дейстаительно хотела удешевить и по неопытнасти сделала еще два заказа (неоплаченных), а в этот раз я хотела оплатить (не хватило, бонально 100 руб.) и ВС опередила и сняла деньги

Вот что мне прислали:
We have noticed that you have several canceled and/or unpaid (payment failure) orders. We have also noticed that you have, at times, bought the same items once they have been relisted. This is not a practice that is encouraged at MJR Sales. We understand that there are some circumstances when items just cannot be purchased, but making a habit of this will not be tolerated. If this buying pattern persists, we will block you from future purchases or cancel orders upon receiving them with no notice to you as we do not wish to continue business in this manner. Please take careful note of any items you are placing in your cart and on invoices and make sure funds are available BEFORE submitting payment method. Please contact me personally at
[email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.
Carol Francis