Помогите, пожалуйста!
Сегодня получила от них письмо, даже с переводчиком не могу понять, что они пишут
Thanks for your business from us. You bought the items from 4 categories, so
they were separated into 4 packages by our system automatically.
The items started like 13**** ** have been shipped out on rder.shipped_date}}
to the following address:
Tatyana Kovenskaya
600022, Vladimir, Blagonravova, 7-69 Vladimir, Blagonravova, 7-69
Vladimir,Russian Federation,600022
Here is the tracking number RS904408000CH, you can track it here
And we are ready to ship the items started with 14****** & 10****** to you
A shipping notification will be sent to you once it is shipped out.
As for the items started with 13******, we have already sent email to inform
you that it is out of stock now, and we can restock it until 3-26.
Please don't worry, once we restock it, we will arrange to ship it to you asap.
Any further questions, please let us know.