Dara, я вот тоже об этом подумала))
И доставку ЕМС, а то этот 2 месяца тащился)
Фель добавил 28.05.2010 в 15:24
alen04ka, аналогично(
PayPal was unable to successfully fund this transaction. Please choose another payment option or review funding options in your PayPal account before proceeding. (Transaction cannot complete.)
Палка у них что-ли сломалась?
Пришел ответ от Панды:
So sorry to hear that . and may b e the paypal in now under maintenance . you can try the payment later
if pay pay does not help, you can try to pay with Western Union
COMPANY: Danhonghaotian Trade Co., Ltd.
Receiver: Dandan wu
ADDRESS: Room 405, Huamei Building (East Wing);
Zhenxing Rd., Huaqiang North;
Futian, Shenzhen 518001, China.
If any other problems, please do feel free to contact us
Nice day!