хотела заказать себе цинковую мазь, но на айхерб. отзывах ребята пишут -
-A HUGE minus for the hidden list of ingredients, that caught me off guard and I almost didn't want to use the product at all - it contains parabens, alcohol, lanolin and polyethylene glycols!
-I wish I had read the ingredients better before I purchased this. Zinc & sulfur are good for acne prone skin, however lanolin is NOT! It is a pore clogger, they might as well add mineral oil too. This actually made my skin worse. They need to get rid of the parabens also. Won't purchase again and it is going in the garbage.
к сожалению, на сайте не написан весь состав. обладательницы этой мази, скажите плиз, все так и есть?реально не стОит брать этот крем?
хотела заказать себе цинковую мазь, но на айхерб. отзывах ребята пишут -
-A HUGE minus for the hidden list of ingredients, that caught me off guard and I almost didn't want to use the product at all - it contains parabens, alcohol, lanolin and polyethylene glycols!
-I wish I had read the ingredients better before I purchased this. Zinc & sulfur are good for acne prone skin, however lanolin is NOT! It is a pore clogger, they might as well add mineral oil too. This actually made my skin worse. They need to get rid of the parabens also. Won't purchase again and it is going in the garbage.
к сожалению, на сайте не написан весь состав. обладательницы этой мази, скажите плиз, все так и есть?реально не стОит брать этот крем?