дама - 54 года, начала использовать СРКП в ноябре 2001 года. Первая картинка ДО, вторая через полгода ( май 2002) и третья полтора года что ли -июнь 2003.
Основные проблемы были с глазами, западение под глазами, гусиные лапки, видны синии вены.
Вот какие улучшения она отмечает
Quite evident is the reduction in wrinkles and crows feet. The discoloration during May 2002 was as a result of the copper peptides literally pushing or causing the damaged skin cells to migrate to the surface where they finally began to slough off.
The sun damaged spots are either gone or diminished greatly in size.
In May you can see a hint of a blue vein near my eye brow and some streaks on my cheek. September the veins are hardly visible at all. I attribute that to reversing the thinning skin that is associated with aging.
Spider veins. While I was very concerned that copper peptide might make them worse, Dr. Pickart encourage me to increase the applied product. Some spider veins have totally disappeared while the large one in the center of my cheek has become less red and inflamed looking and more defined. I think that one is going to go in time. This is a bit of a miracle in that 25 years ago I was told they were hereditary, 15 years ago I was told they were hormonal or from sun damage and the story just kept changing.
Dr. Pickart pointed out the lifting effect of the eyelid. Of course, I hadn't noticed that all all...instead what I saw was the wrinkly crepiness that resulted in my overloading my eyelid with Super CP Serum a few days prior to the photo. Although I recommend to take these close-up photos to take it away from all our emotional critical responses in front of the mirror...I still had an emotional response when I looked at the Sept. photo.
It appears that my eye lashes are growing. May photo I had a little mascara on. Sept., nothing. Now when I apply mascara my eyes lashes are much longer.
Clearly my face is not that big and that spider vein that looks huge in reality is quite small and is easily covered with a little powder.
В кратце- все подтянулось и верхнее веко больше не нависает, не видно синих вен, лапки улучшились, пропал купероз и стали более длинными ресницы. Да и пигментные пятна тоже пропали.На второй фото она помазана маслом поэтому блестит.