jcrew.com перестали принимать наши карты (я правда раньше и не заказывала). В переписке пишут следующее.
I'm sorry to hear of your troubles while trying to complete your
purchase. The message you received asking you to contact us regarding
your order relates to our inability to gain authorization to charge your
credit or debit card. This can often be due to incomplete information on
file, or an attempt to ship to an address that is not your own.
Please respond to this email with the following information so we may
work to ensure your next attempt at order placement will be successful:
* the billing address at which you receive your credit or debit card
* the address to which you are attempting to ship your purchase (this
address should also be registered with your bank if you are placing your
order from an address outside North America, especially if it is a
forwarding address)
* the name as it appears on your credit or debit card
Не пойму что означает эта фраза, что адрес (шипито) должен быть зарегистрирован в моей банке? (трудности перевода
* the address to which you are attempting to ship your purchase (this
address should also be registered with your bank if you are placing your
order from an address outside North America, especially if it is a
forwarding address)
Я так понимаю сие значит, что теперь можно только через посредника заказывать?