какие тут обиды, я просто пытаюсь понять))
Проблема решалась непосредственно на Ибей.
Собственно, что запросила:
You've requested:
A refund. The refund amount includes the purchase price plus original shipping.
Problem:Item not as described
Далее прод ответил согласием, и диспут был закрыт:
The seller has issued a full refund of $67.95 to your PayPal account and the case is closed. Sep 12, 2014 at 3:11 AM
Refund information:
A full refund of $67.95 was issued on Sep 12, 2014. The refund includes the purchase price plus original shipping and was issued to your PayPal account. Please log in to PayPal and view the History page if you don't see it in your PayPal balance.
Потом пришло обновление:
Refund information:
A full refund of $67.95 was issued on Sep 12, 2014. The refund includes the purchase price plus original shipping and was issued to your PayPal account. Please log in to PayPal and view the History page if you don't see it in your PayPal balance.
You will also receive a refund of $39.90 for your international shipping charges.
Вот и все. Стописят раз прочитала, про возврат даже намека нет.