Dear Gmarket! We welcome you at our website and at our Gmarket's Shoppers Club in particular!
As you know there are a lot of customers from Russia at your online platform, we are very happy to have opportunity to buy various items at GM. But we are very worried (and sad to tell the truth ) by the hair care items' shipping restriction. We tried to express our mood and intentions in our poll (please have a look at the results), As you can see the overwelming majority of your customers are fond of your items among hair care ones, a lot of people like them and want to try. And of course we are all ready to take any risks under our own responsibility and we will if we find a way out.
We kindly ask you to reconsider your decision and to make ordering of hair items at GMarket possible for us.
As it is mentioned at your site your top bloggers get rewards, we are not bloggers but we are the most numerous GM's shoppers community in the world and the only reward we would like to get is your kindly understanding and reconsidering of the above mentioned restrictions
We do hope that you will take a favourable view of all our efforts!
You may read our comments below
Dear Ladies!
It's no secret that about a month ago Gmarket decided to make all items from Hair Care section unavailable though most of them had been available for us previously. As for me I am very disappointed
, because the products are of very good quality and the price is more than affordable, more over some of them are unique and can be bought in Korea only.
According to Gmarket's customer service the restriction is caused by damages of such (liquid & semi-liquid) goods during transportation. As a result some items of clothes may be spoiled (strange enough since
I have never heard of such things from other customers) etc.
I tried to discuss this issue with Gmarket: as a variant I offered to allow ordering of such items upon our personal requests (by moving selected items from Domestic shopping cart to Overseas one). Unfortunately everything was in vain...
This site is one of the largest Internet resources with regard to online shopping and
our Gmarket's Online Shoppers' Club is the most numerous if compared to any other online community of such kind!
I suppose we
must discuss the current situation with Gmarket and try to find ways out.
Gilrs, what do you feel about these overseas restrictions and what are your suggestions on that?
Дорогие дамы!
Не секрет, что около месяца назад Джимаркет прекратил высылать к нам позиции из раздела для волос, кот. были до этого доступны. Лично я очень разочарована, поскольку продукция хорошего кач-ва и по привлекательной цене.
Причиной называется повржденная упаковка данных товаров, что в результате пачкает и портит другие заказанные позции из раздела одежды.
Я пыталась обсудить это с Джимаркетом, предлагала разрешить отправку данных позиций по персональному запросу, путем пермещения выбранных товаров из корзины с доставкой по Корее в корзину для Международных заказов. Переписка не привела ни к чему, так как сначала они отказывались, а потом и вовсе мне перестали отвечать.
Мы являемся одним из самых многочисленных интернет ресурсов, посвященных он-лайн шоппингу, а наша тема, посвященная покупкам в Джмаркете - самая большая, кол-во участников - самое многочисленное в Интернете.
Хотелось бы знать, как вы к этому относитесь и какие решения данной проблемы вы видите?