leka - лен, первые 4 ссылки со скидкой
Merchandise $232.20
8-12 business days FREE
Estimated tax Actual tax will be calculated when your order is processed. Tax may vary slightly from what is displayed here. Why estimated? $0.00
Total $232.20*34,2=7941,24
Оптимистка113 добавил 29.11.2013 в 06:33
5-9 ссылки -
Summary of charges
Merchandise $226.50
8-12 business days FREE
Estimated tax Actual tax will be calculated when your order is processed. Tax may vary slightly from what is displayed here. Why estimated? $0.00
Total $226.50*34,2=7746,3
Оптимистка113 добавил 29.11.2013 в 06:37
9-12 ссылки
Summary of charges
Merchandise $223.20
8-12 business days FREE
Estimated tax Actual tax will be calculated when your order is processed. Tax may vary slightly from what is displayed here. Why estimated? $0.00
Total $223.20*34,2=7633,44
Оптимистка113 добавил 29.11.2013 в 06:58
13 ссылка
Summary of charges
Merchandise $47.70
8-12 business days FREE
Estimated tax Actual tax will be calculated when your order is processed. Tax may vary slightly from what is displayed here. Why estimated? $0.00
Total $47.70*34,2=1631,34
14 ссылка
Summary of charges
Merchandise $72.00
8-12 business days FREE
Estimated tax Actual tax will be calculated when your order is processed. Tax may vary slightly from what is displayed here. Why estimated? $0.00
Total $72.00*34,2=2462,4
15 ссылка
Summary of charges
Merchandise $66.00
8-12 business days FREE
Estimated tax Actual tax will be calculated when your order is processed. Tax may vary slightly from what is displayed here. Why estimated? $0.00
Total $66.00*34,2=2257,2
16 ссылка
Summary of charges
Merchandise $150.00
8-12 business days FREE
Estimated tax Actual tax will be calculated when your order is processed. Tax may vary slightly from what is displayed here. Why estimated? $0.00
Total $150.00*34,2=5130
17 ссылка
Summary of charges
Merchandise $66.00
8-12 business days FREE
Estimated tax Actual tax will be calculated when your order is processed. Tax may vary slightly from what is displayed here. Why estimated? $0.00
Total $66.00*34.2=2257.2