вот ответ по поводу недовольства новой корзиной (я тут уже в другой теме писала, что у меня на работе в опере все по старому, дома в опере - по новому)[OFF]Dear Anna,
Thank you, so much, for taking the time to contact us. I understand that you was not comfortable with the new shopping bag. It is my privilege to respond to you personally.
The new shopping bag that you used to place your order is currently populating for 1% of our customers. We are testing this shopping bag. I assure you that your feed back regard the shopping bag was sent to our test team for review.
I apologize that we made you uncomfortable with this new shopping bag.
If there is anything else with which we can further assist you, please be sure to email or call us at any time.
All the Best,
Benjamin A.
VictoriasSecret.com Customer Service[/OFF]
по ходу все мы, сестры-славянки, типа чудом попали в 1% подопытных, на которых тестируется новая корзина...