У меня в новом више есть надпись low in stock
Gitana добавил 20.10.2011 в 12:14
В целом, мне новый виш лист понравился, но т.к. нет предела совершенству, я бы его проапгрейдила, о чем с удовольствием и подробно написала в survey. Ниже мой текст, если кому-то мои идеи понравятся, feel free to copy-paste для своего фидбека - чем больше людей напишут о том или ином, тем больше вероятность, что оно будет претворено в жизнь.
1. can't see if the item is out of stock without pointing a mouse / going to info - not convenient at all, takes much time to check all the positions
2. price reductions are in the same black colour - can miss an opportunity to grab a discounted item
1. make the images of the out of stock items more pale or add a red / pink sign that the item is out of stock as it used to be before, please
2. make the info about discounts in green colour as it used to be before, please
3. after clicking "info", show what other sizes are available, please, and if they're low in stock
4. make it possible to create groups of items, i.e.: shoes, boots, tops, dresses, etc with possibility to sort items inside the group
5. after clicking an image open the page of the item in a new tab / window, with the desired size / colour already chosen from the list, please
6. make it possible to sort items with filter "new discounts" to see the things with newly applied discounts first, please
7. add a button "prolong" or something like that to leave an item in the wishlist for another 30 days even if it's out of stock at the moment
8. group similar items (one item but in different sizes / colours) by default
9. show info about the item after pointing a mouse upon it, without clicking "i"