не могу оплатить((
здравствуйте, уважаемые!
не могу оплатить. оплата почему то не прошла. хотя на амазоне все оке проходило...что делать? спасибо
Important Message
Before we can proceed with your order, your credit card's issuing bank requires you to do one of the following:
* Retry the credit card you entered.
* Update the expiration date on the credit card you entered.
* Choose an alternate credit card from your account.
* Enter a new credit card number.
и на почту такое еще прислали:
Your credit card payment for the above transaction could not be completed. An issuing bank will often decline an attempt to charge a credit card if the name, expiration date, or ZIP Code you entered at does not exactly match the bank's information. Valid credit card information must be received within 2 days, otherwise your order will not be processed.
Your order will remain on hold for a limited time. Please note that, if we do not receive a valid payment soon your order will be canceled.
We invite you to return to our website and place a new order if you would still like this item. If the payment method information you used has been updated or revised, you will need to enter that information so we can process your new order.
We hope that you will be able to resolve this issue promptly so we can complete your purchase.
Our apologies for any inconvenience this has caused you.
скажите мне пожалуйста что делать? спасибо