Добрый вечер! Подскажите пожалуйста, может кому то приходило такое письмо. Я смысл поняла, а какие документы в итоге им предоставить - нет. Может каким то другим путем можно заказ сделать, чтобы не предоставлять эту информацию. Как здесь и написали в теме, указала биллинг адрес российский. Заказ приняли, а деньги на карте даже не заблокировали
At this time, we are having difficulties confirming the necessary information in order to complete verification, and ensure that we as a company are accepting funds responsibly from an authorized user.
To resolve this matter, please send the information below to our secure fax line 702-543-6172:
-- A copy of your statement for the payment method used to make this purchase, including the billing address
-- Your name, phone number, and the email address registered to your account
We will convert your fax to a secure electronic image. To protect your information, we restrict access to your payment information to a team of account specialists.
We will then be able to fulfill our responsibilities and successfully process your orders going forward without delay.
Our Customer Service team can confirm that we sent this email request, but they cannot view your fax or share more information about this matter.
At this time, we are having difficulties confirming the necessary information in order to complete verification, and ensure that we as a company are accepting funds responsibly from an authorized user.
To resolve this matter, please send the information below to our secure fax line 702-543-6172:
-- A copy of your statement for the payment method used to make this purchase, including the billing address
-- Your name, phone number, and the email address registered to your account
We will convert your fax to a secure electronic image. To protect your information, we restrict access to your payment information to a team of account specialists.
We will then be able to fulfill our responsibilities and successfully process your orders going forward without delay.
Our Customer Service team can confirm that we sent this email request, but they cannot view your fax or share more information about this matter.